Natural Disasters And The Rebuilding Of Cities

Año de inicio: 2015

Temas de investigación: Territorio y Paisaje

Investigadores: Victor Emilio Alvarez Ponce (Co-Investigador), Juan Manuel Parra Díaz (Co-Investigador) y Fernando Luis Gonzalez Hunt (Co-Investigador)

Publicación: Congreso: Reinterpreting Cities: 13th International Conference on Urban History. EAUH, Helsinki (Finlandia). Agosto 2016. Congreso: Society of Architectural Historians, Annual International Conference. SAH, Glagow (Escocia). Junio 2017.

Coordinador principal: Adriana Scaletti

Año de fin: 2018

The long, rich and diverse history of cities -our «greatest work of art», in the words of Lewis Mumford- features dramatic events that have determined the course of nations. Included among such events are natural disasters. These, in turn, have led to innovative architectural and urban responses and to the development of unique construction practices in various regions. As well as transforming architectural and urban thinking, natural disasters of all kinds constitute a dynamic «cultural laboratory» that, by highlighting the vulnerability of societies, holds long-term consequences for local populations and for global human heritage more generally.